
Delight, Desire, and Death

Delight, Desire, and Death

We begin our Lent journey toward joy at the beginning.

The first humans were placed in a garden called ‘Delight’ and it lived up to its’ name. Yet, they were deceived into seeing and desiring something else. That desire set in and gave birth to sin (rebellion), which ultimately resulted in death. How can we fix our eyes on the delight we have in Jesus and ultimately find life?

Psalm 1 - The Two Trees

Psalm 1 - The Two Trees

In the beginning of creation there were two trees at the center of the story holding out a choice to humans: will you trust the Creator to show you what is good and what is not, or will you rebel against Him to try and make yourself king of your own life? Psalm 1 reminds God's people that one of these choices leads to life and the other leads to death. How have the first humans chosen? How have you and I chosen? If we've already gone to the wrong tree, is there any hope to find our way back to the right one?

The Serpent Crusher

The Serpent Crusher

Advent is a season of waiting expectantly. It’s a waiting that is rooted in hope. And hope is not empty wishing, but something founded in a promise and assured with evidence. At the very beginning of the True Story of the world, humans rebel against their intended purpose of creation. But immediately after, they are given a promise, and that promise is accompanied with assurance, that one day there would be a Rescuer to come and make things right. As we enter into this Advent season leading up to Christmas, may we remember that we too live in a real Advent, waiting, longing, and hoping for this same Rescuer to return to the world and finally and fully make all things right.