
If the Shoe Fits

If the Shoe Fits

In the final chapter of Ruth we see a family redeemer remove his sandal as a symbol of passing up his opportunity and responsibility to care for the vulnerable and invite in the foreigner, while another redeemer steps up in his place. This reminds us of Israel’s call to be a light to the nations and a kingdom of priests, but they neglected their call in order to look out for themselves. Thank God another, better, truer Redeemer came in their place. One whose sandals all others were not worthy to untie.

God Means For Good

God Means For Good

In Ruth 3 we see Naomi try to take matters into her own hands to provide for Ruth. The stage is set for history to repeat itself and for Israel to continue "doing what is right in their own eyes". But right at the climactic moment, something changes. What Naomi purposed in her own understanding, God intervened and used for the good of all His people.

A Faithful Friend

A Faithful Friend

The book of Ruth has often been treated as a side-story in the Bible about friendship or finding love… but it is so much more! The foreign barren widow, Ruth, points us forward to the King of all creation, Jesus. In this historical story we find the loyalty and faithfulness of an oppressed woman teaching us about the loyalty and faithfulness of a good God.