
A Faithful Friend

A Faithful Friend

The book of Ruth has often been treated as a side-story in the Bible about friendship or finding love… but it is so much more! The foreign barren widow, Ruth, points us forward to the King of all creation, Jesus. In this historical story we find the loyalty and faithfulness of an oppressed woman teaching us about the loyalty and faithfulness of a good God.

Faith, Love, Hope

Faith, Love, Hope

The first letter to the Thessalonians is one of thankfulness for their faith and encouragement to continue in it. The church in Thessalonica was made up of new followers in Christ; converts who had recently turned from their cultural gods to trust in Jesus as King. They seemed to be marked by faith, love, and hope. The first chapter of this letter expresses a gratitude for the work God was doing in them, and how news of them had spread.