
Inner Glory

Inner Glory

God’s people were disheartened by how the new temple was shaping up compared to the splendor of the former temple Solomon had built. God spoke through Haggai to encourage them and remind them that this temple did not require fine silver and gold to be glorious, and if it did, He could surely provide it! But God’s own glory would come and fill that place and His presence would make it more glorious than the first. The second temple would later be visited by Jesus himself. The second temple would also eventually crumble, but the temple of Jesus’ body, where the fullness of God’s glory was present, rose again and remains forever!

What Are You Building?

What Are You Building?

God’s people were supposed to rebuild the temple once they were released from Babylon. But they got caught up building extravagant homes for themselves. Of course, God didn’t need a home built from human hands, but the temple was about God’s presence and glory being near His people. What are you building? Are you building up a life that is far or near from God’s glory and presence?