
Coming Kingdom

Coming Kingdom

God gives a promise through Haggai to Zerubbabel: the other nations’ kingdoms will be destroyed one day and God’s kingdom will reign, and Zerubbabel will be the sign of this coming kingdom shaking the heavens and earth.

But we know historically that Zerubbabel never sat on the throne crowned as king. He died. And Israel remained under the power of other nations long after he passed. What message was God giving to his people? What could this prophetic word be pointing us to? And what does it look like for us to live in that promised kingdom now?

God Sings Over Us

God Sings Over Us

Have you ever been so happy you couldn’t help but to sing?

Sing! Rejoice! Because even though this world is broken, life is hard, and you have rebelled, God will come and sing over you with rejoicing — if you have humbled yourself and recognize your need for Him. He will rescue you like a mighty warrior. How amazing is it that God sings over His people?

God's Unmet Love

God's Unmet Love

Malachi is the last prophetic book of the Old Testament, before a 400 year period of silence, until finally another prophet named John would come to get everyone ready for the coming Messiah.

In these parting words from the Lord, He reminds the people through Malachi that He has loved them, that He still loves them, and that He will always love them. But where is there love and honor for Him? Their hearts have grown cold. Their worship apathetic. As we hear these words spoken to Israel long ago, do we also find a message that can be spoken to us today?

The Suffering Servant

The Suffering Servant

The king and kingdom of Israel seemed to be something of the past. They were in exile, and every king they ever had failed them - even the best of them had passed away. God continued to speak through prophets to let His people know He was still pursuing them. Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord told them that one day the promised Rescuer would come and take away their sorrow and suffering - and that he would take it upon himself. We can have joy because this Suffering Servant has taken our sorrow.