July Week 4- What is the Mission of God?

We are committed to the process of being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We believe this takes place as we take up our role as active participants in God’s story following Jesus to make disciples.

This guide is mean to remind our Missio Communities and disciple makers what the Mission of God is and how we can take up our role in it. We invite you to take 45 minutes and listen / watch this teaching by Kevin Platt that was a part of our Majesty. Mystery. Mission. series and then continue reflecting on a few simple questions.

Before you jump to this weeks discussion though… How did you do in following through on what you felt God inviting you into as you prayed last week?

Ok- let’s go!

Reflection Questions:

  • What about the God of mission caught your attention after watching this teaching ?

  • How did this view of God’s mission excite a kingdom imagination in you?

  • What would it look like if your Missio Community or personal disciplemaking was marked by an increased urgency over the next six months? What practices would be continued? Which would be stopped? What could be implemented?

  • Have you been working for God or walking with God in the last six month? What do you want the next six months to be marked by? What changes of pace or pattern is God inviting you to make?

  • Hearing God’s Voice: What do you think God, your Father, is saying to you right now?

  • What’s next: In light of what you’ve heard from God’s word, God’s spirit, and maybe even God’s community- what is your next step of obedience or meditation in following Jesus?