
With Us

With Us

When Jesus arrives, the God of the universe become human, he is met with poverty, wandering, oppression, violence, rejection, and suffering. This Christmas season we recognize that not all is as it should be, yet we have much to celebrate because we have a God who has come to be in it with us. And this baby Jesus, grew into a man who loved, served, and healed — and ultimately gave his life over to death so that he could conquer it with resurrection. This is the greatest gift we have been given.



What made a group of magi travel far from the east to come and pay respect to a newborn king of the Jews? How were they able to find him? And once they got there and found the current king wanted him dead, what led them to believe this baby born to a poor family in a little town was actually who they thought he was?

The story of the wise men is full of mystery... and may make you rethink how you set up your nativity figures on the fireplace mantle.

Joy to the World

Joy to the World

Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

We have a hope that the love of God will one day bring the wholeness of peace and restoration to this world — and when that comes we will experience the fullness of joy. Yet, we can experience that joy even here and now.

Joy is not fleeting happiness or feeling good, but a constant source of satisfaction found not in our temporary circumstances, but in our eternal outcome.

Hope of Glory

Hope of Glory

In our first week of Advent, we look at the hope the early church had because of Jesus and the hope we still hold onto today, because Jesus will return. Hope in Jesus is not like the wishful thinking we talk about when we hope for a raise or hope for the pandemic to end. Real biblical hope is a confident assurance of what God will do, rooted in what God has already done in history.

Joseph, Mary, and the Savior

Joseph, Mary, and the Savior

Perhaps you've heard this story before. The story of the virgin who gives a miraculous birth to a baby. The baby who would one day die and miraculously rise again. But this story is miraculous not only because of what happens, but because of why it happens. God has come to save His people, and to be with us.

Zechariah, Elizabeth, and the Prophet

Zechariah, Elizabeth, and the Prophet

Finally, after centuries of waiting, longing, and hoping, a miraculous birth occurred among the people of Israel. Well, not the one you're thinking of. At least, not just yet. Before Jesus was born, his cousin John was. Have you ever stopped to question why? Why did a regular human need to come and prepare people for the true perfect Son to come? Then again, why has God chosen to partner with humanity all throughout history?

A Certain Song

A Certain Song

Sometimes when I’m eating really good food, I do a little happy dance while I’m eating. I don’t even realize I’m doing it. There is something about joy and experiencing goodness that brings out a reaction. We are designed to enjoy good things. This week, we look at the joyous good news that stirred Mary and Zechariah to a response of singing and praising God. What has been stirring in you this week?

A Certain Trust

A Certain Trust

The Christmas season is a time of looking forward to all kinds of things; presents, treats, time with family, time off from school or work. This story takes us to a time when God’s people were looking forward to His rescue and salvation. Still, when the time had come for this news, it was almost too good to be true. What is your response when you hear the good news of God?