
Opposition and Rejoicing

Opposition and Rejoicing

As the good news of Jesus was spreading throughout Jerusalem and forming a new community of people, it was turning life upside down as everyone knew it. For some, they were radically exchanging everything they ever knew for a new way of life, even giving up their possessions in order to share and care for others. For others, it was a threat to their way of life, with the possibility of taking their control and power.

The news of Jesus brings Restoration to the poor in spirit; those who know they are in need.
The news of Jesus stirs up Resistance from the proud.
The news of Jesus brings Renewal for the one bringing the news.

Joy to the World

Joy to the World

Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

We have a hope that the love of God will one day bring the wholeness of peace and restoration to this world — and when that comes we will experience the fullness of joy. Yet, we can experience that joy even here and now.

Joy is not fleeting happiness or feeling good, but a constant source of satisfaction found not in our temporary circumstances, but in our eternal outcome.