
From the Dust

From the Dust

This week's gathering was a little different as the realities of Covid forced us to all meet via Zoom. Please excuse the recording quality and the tone which was much more teaching and discussion than sermon.

God created some great potential in small beginnings, and called humanity to partner with Him in making it all flourish. How has humanity done with this partnership?

Back in the Day

Back in the Day

We begin a 40 week series through the entire True Story of Scripture, starting at the very beginning. Back in the day, God made everything up there and down here. He made order in the midst of chaos and placed life in the space where it could flourish. Then He appointed a particular creature, humans, to care for all of it.

Deliver Us

Deliver Us

From testing in the desert to the agonizing plea in Gethsemane, Jesus demonstrated obedience to the Father's will in the face of evil. It's no wonder that now Jesus teaches his followers to pray that God would deliver them from the power of Evil. And we can pray this prayer with confidence because Jesus has met that power and has defeated it once and for all. To pray this prayer is to ask God to enable us to be his kingdom-people who realize the reality of evil and pain in this world, yet live knowing that Jesus has won the victory over it all.