
Delight, Desire, and Death

Delight, Desire, and Death

We begin our Lent journey toward joy at the beginning.

The first humans were placed in a garden called ‘Delight’ and it lived up to its’ name. Yet, they were deceived into seeing and desiring something else. That desire set in and gave birth to sin (rebellion), which ultimately resulted in death. How can we fix our eyes on the delight we have in Jesus and ultimately find life?

Reboot or Rerun?

Reboot or Rerun?

If you read Genesis, and much of the Old Testament, you might come across this reoccurring theme: God calls a human to be His representative, that human fails or rebels against God, God disciplines but also makes a promise to continue. Then, He starts with another human.

Is God rebooting His plan over and over again until He finds the right human for the role? Or are we seeing a rerun episode of God doing what He has always done, continuing the plan He set forth from the very beginning?

As we look at the 12 brothers of Jacob (Israel), we find a great prospect for this lineage to continue through Joseph. However, Jesus one day would come through the tribe of Judah, the brother who betrayed Joseph for some silver. What is God up to?

From the Dust

From the Dust

This week's gathering was a little different as the realities of Covid forced us to all meet via Zoom. Please excuse the recording quality and the tone which was much more teaching and discussion than sermon.

God created some great potential in small beginnings, and called humanity to partner with Him in making it all flourish. How has humanity done with this partnership?