True Story

Wine at the Wedding

Wine at the Wedding

The very first miracle where Jesus showed his glory was making wine out of water when a wedding celebration ran out of the good stuff. Was this a random, unplanned moment? Was this a side quest in the real mission Jesus came for? If we look closely and reframe this story away from our context into the people’s who lived it, we just may find how this moment was instrumental in telling the world who Jesus is and exactly why he came.

Jesus Is Born

Jesus Is Born

God’s people had been waiting and holding their breath for the promised Messiah to come and rescue them. They all had different expectations of what to look for. When he finally came into the world, many could not see him because they were searching for something else. Yet, Jesus came just as promised. What are you looking for? What do you seek? Are you able to see the real Jesus and find the hope, joy, peace, and rescue you need?

Get Ready For Your Exile

Get Ready For Your Exile

The words of Jeremiah were given by God to prepare His people for exile. You're about to be taken into captivity, forced to live in a foreign land, ruled by an oppressive nation. What should you do? How should you live? God's words delivered through Jeremiah were shocking. Make it a home. Plant and tend to gardens. Enter into relationships and build families. In essence, continue the call given to humanity at the very beginning... whether you're in a garden of paradise or exiled in Babylon.

The Cycle of Judges

The Cycle of Judges

Israel had been rescued by God and finally entered into the promised land of rest. But it didn’t take long for them to rebel against Him and worship other gods. So, God would hand them over to their rebellion and let the gods they worshipped and the nations they longed for take them over. They would cry out for rescue so God would send someone as a judge over sin and the other nations. The people would rejoice, but again, it didn’t take long to repeat their rebellion.

They found themselves in an exhausting cycle: rescue, rest, rebellion, reaping the consequences, rescue… repeat. Who could come and break the cycle?

Crossing Over

Crossing Over

God’s people had been freed from slavery but had been wandering around the wilderness now for decades. To make matters worse, their leader Moses had passed away. Would this new leader, Joshua, be able to cut it? Would the people finally enter into the land promised to them long ago? Would they finally learn that it was not Moses or Joshua who would rescue them, but Yahweh himself who is their salvation?

The People At Sinai

The People At Sinai

Once God set His people free from slavery to Egypt, He showed His power to them and gave them a new way to live. In His ways. As His representatives.

These commandments were not just rules to follow. They were a liberating new way of life that would display God’s glory and goodness to the rest of the nations.

The Passover

The Passover

God has gone head to head with Pharaoh, perhaps the most powerful man in the world. Pharaoh brought all of his gods to the battle as well. God, the Lord of Israel, the Creator of all the universe, has been victorious every step of the way. Nine times, he defeats the gods of Egypt. Then He had one last blow to deal. Yet, even in the brutal discipline and judgment of God, He provides a way out. He gives an opportunity for not just Israel, but all who would trust in Him, to have death pass over them and lead them on to life.

A Brothers Battle for Birthright

A Brothers Battle for Birthright

Israel’s family history is one with a sketchy past. Deceit, manipulation, lack of trust, and outright rebellion are just a few characteristics - many of which can be seen in the man whom the entire nation would be named after. Jacob, is later renamed Israel, grasps for what was not his while his twin brother lets it all go for fleeting satisfaction. And yet, though these two brothers lived thousands of years before us, they not only tell the story of Israel but the story of humanity.

A Bloody Covenant

A Bloody Covenant

God just won’t give up on His plan to partner with humanity as His representatives to care for creation. He chose a man, Abram, to grow a family which would build a nation in order to bless the rest of the world. Abram didn’t always come through on his end of the partnership. Neither would his descendants. But there would be one who would come as a descendant of humanity and of God Himself, who would uphold both ends of the partnership, and take on the bloody consequence of those who broke it.

Washing the World

Washing the World

The story of the flood is not a cutesy children’s tale with animals and a boat. It’s a horrific, tragic, true story. Yet, on the other side of the chaotic waters, it is also a true story of hope and restoration. Join us as we look at this story and try to tackle some of the difficult questions it brings up.

Back in the Day

Back in the Day

We begin a 40 week series through the entire True Story of Scripture, starting at the very beginning. Back in the day, God made everything up there and down here. He made order in the midst of chaos and placed life in the space where it could flourish. Then He appointed a particular creature, humans, to care for all of it.

Gospel Formation

Gospel Formation

If the story of the Bible really is the True Story of the world, what implications does this have for us? Shouldn’t this True Story then shape and form us as people living in the world? This week we explored together how the God who is writing the True Story has been at work forming a people from the beginning… and won’t stop until it’s done.

True Story

True Story

On the first Sunday of 2020, we began the year by reminding ourselves of the True Story of the whole world. We read a summarized version of the Scriptures beginning with the Creation of all things and moving all the way through to the Restoration of the world. It is out of this Story that we strive to live and shape our lives, by God’s grace and for His glory.

Kingdom Against Kingdom

Kingdom Against Kingdom

We continue through the 3 chapter event of Daniel 10-12 with chapter 11. After strengthening Daniel, a messenger from God tells him what will happen to Israel in the years to come. The time between the last Old Testament prophet and the coming of Jesus was about 400 years when God seemed silent to His people. However, He told them ahead of time through this prophecy to Daniel what they would experience. They were given the Story so that they could faithfully live in it. In the same way, you and I have been told the Story before us and what will come in the end, and we have been empowered by God's Spirit to live faithfully in it now.

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 2)

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 2)

The Gospel is Good News of a true event that has taken place in history and has changed everything. Those who believe in this good news have been and are being transformed. We have been given a new identity, so we are no longer enemies of God, but we are a Family of Servant Missionaries, Learning to follow Jesus in all of life.

Last week we looked at this identity lived out in the first followers of Christ. This week we take a look at how we, as followers of Christ, are formed into a community on mission.

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 1)

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 1)

The Gospel is Good News of a true event that has taken place in history and has changed everything. Those who believe in this good news have been and are being transformed. We have been given a new identity, so we are no longer enemies of God, but we are a Family of Servant Missionaries, Learning to follow Jesus in all of life.

This week we take a look at how this new identity formed the first followers of Christ into a community on mission. Next week we will see how this is still true for us today.

The True Story

The True Story

What happens if we read the Bible as a rule book? A collection of moral stories? A list of inspirational sayings? How do these approaches help answer the big questions in life or help us find our place in the world? What if there's another way to approach the Scriptures?

The Bible is actually the True Story of the whole world. How do we live in God’s true Story and invite others into it?