
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Jesus’ final week of his life on earth was marked by a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, met with praises and shouts of salvation. Yet, Jesus’ humble entry was doing more for humanity than those in the crowd could ever imagine. Jesus’ entry reveals him as the true prophet, priest, and king that we need — and that we were meant to be. These three roles Jesus fills help show us what it is to be fully human once again, in Jesus’ power.

Daniel's Second Dream: Beastly Kingdoms

Daniel's Second Dream: Beastly Kingdoms

In chapter 8, Daniel switches back to writing in Hebrew to give the people of God a little more insight into what God had shown him through his dreams during the reign of Babylon. Other kingdoms would come after Babylon; Media/Persia, Greece, and so on, but they would all fall short of what humanity was intended to be. Daniel is troubled by this vision, but Gabriel, God's messenger of good news, arrives to interpret for him that there is hope: one day these beastly kingdoms will be overthrown.

Humility & Majesty

Humility & Majesty

Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful person on earth while he was the king of Babylon, but all that authority had been given to him by a much more powerful King. Still, he would need to have it all taken away and be humbled to the lowest point possible before he would realize the King who truly has power, authority, dominion, and glory over all the earth forever.