
Humility & Majesty

Humility & Majesty

Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful person on earth while he was the king of Babylon, but all that authority had been given to him by a much more powerful King. Still, he would need to have it all taken away and be humbled to the lowest point possible before he would realize the King who truly has power, authority, dominion, and glory over all the earth forever.

Four Men In A Fire

Four Men In A Fire

When the whole world bows down to the world power and seems to have gone mad, three young men stand firm in their faith in the one true God. They do not lead a zealous rebellion. They do not form a religious boycott. They quietly yet firmly, resolutely yet respectfully, honor their king while honoring the true King of all kings. And yet, they are not the heroes of this story. There is a fourth man who appears in their distress and rescues them. The King the whole world really longs for.

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

What began as a terrifying dream causing Nebuchadnezzar to bring terror upon his own kingdom, God used to bring hope to His people and rescue for all. In chapter two of Daniel we see that God chose to reveal something to the enemy of His people. This reminds us that God is at work in His world, even through those who do not yet trust Him.