
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Jesus’ final week of his life on earth was marked by a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, met with praises and shouts of salvation. Yet, Jesus’ humble entry was doing more for humanity than those in the crowd could ever imagine. Jesus’ entry reveals him as the true prophet, priest, and king that we need — and that we were meant to be. These three roles Jesus fills help show us what it is to be fully human once again, in Jesus’ power.

Valley of Dry Bones

Valley of Dry Bones

In a crazy, and somewhat spooky vision, God shows Ezekiel that He is still at work in spite of Israel’s failures. He will be restoring Israel to what they were meant to be. And yet, this vision has a double meaning — one that is more applicable for us today. God is not only reviving Israel, but He is in fact restoring life to our dry bones. As we continue through Lent we see the promise of resurrection given long ago.

Appointing A King

Appointing A King

The people of God wanted a king. Not the King they had -- the one who rescued them out of slavery from Egypt, the one who brought them safely through the sea and the wilderness, the one who time and time again protected them from their enemies and brought them into a good land he promised to them. No, they wanted a human king to be like all the other nations. The person they saw fit to be king was much different than what God saw they needed, and eventually, God would show them how to look for the true king. What is it we're looking for?

Testing in the Wilderness

Testing in the Wilderness

As we continue our journey through Lent, we find the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness without water. God provides miraculously, but as we look closer we see God is at work in so many more ways than we can even fathom. Most importantly, God is present with them in the wilderness. This is still true for us in the wilderness places of our lives -- God is at work and He is with us.

Delight, Desire, and Death

Delight, Desire, and Death

We begin our Lent journey toward joy at the beginning.

The first humans were placed in a garden called ‘Delight’ and it lived up to its’ name. Yet, they were deceived into seeing and desiring something else. That desire set in and gave birth to sin (rebellion), which ultimately resulted in death. How can we fix our eyes on the delight we have in Jesus and ultimately find life?

To Pergamum

To Pergamum

In the book of Revelation, we find we are reading someone else’s mail. Jesus sent a message through John to specific churches in Asia Minor. But the Spirit has preserved these words to speak to us still today!

His message to Pergamum begins with encouragement for continuing to proclaim the name of Jesus as Lord faithfully in a city hostile to their faith. Yet, they have mixed in idolatrous practices of those around them. Jesus has serious words of warning for that!

To Smyrna

To Smyrna

In the book of Revelation, we find we are reading someone else’s mail. Jesus sent a message through John to specific churches in Asia Minor. But the Spirit has preserved these words to speak to us still today!

Jesus’ message to the church in Smyrna was one of hope. They were a small, destitute church living in poverty and under oppression — for the sake of the Gospel! Jesus reassured them that he knew them well and he knew their suffering well. In fact, Jesus had endured everything they were going through already; and he overcame. His promise to them is that if they continued to remain faithful, they too would overcome death and receive the eternal crown of life.

Invitation Into Lent

Invitation Into Lent

Lent traditionally has 3 components: Fasting, Prayer, and Giving.

It is a period of reflection on the brokenness of the world and our need for rescuing, which leads us up to the celebration of Easter. In order to fully embrace the resurrection of new life, we must also face the stain of death caused by human rebellion. This short audio was an invitation to our congregation into the season of Lent together.

To Ephesus

To Ephesus

In the book of Revelation, we find we are reading someone else’s mail. Jesus sent a message through John to specific churches in Asia Minor. Ephesus was the first stop. They were standing strong in the truth in the midst of an idolatrous culture. But they had neglected to walk in actionable love for one another. Jesus wanted to call them back, in his love, by his grace.

Washing the World

Washing the World

The story of the flood is not a cutesy children’s tale with animals and a boat. It’s a horrific, tragic, true story. Yet, on the other side of the chaotic waters, it is also a true story of hope and restoration. Join us as we look at this story and try to tackle some of the difficult questions it brings up.