
Testing in the Wilderness

Testing in the Wilderness

As we continue our journey through Lent, we find the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness without water. God provides miraculously, but as we look closer we see God is at work in so many more ways than we can even fathom. Most importantly, God is present with them in the wilderness. This is still true for us in the wilderness places of our lives -- God is at work and He is with us.

The People At Sinai

The People At Sinai

Once God set His people free from slavery to Egypt, He showed His power to them and gave them a new way to live. In His ways. As His representatives.

These commandments were not just rules to follow. They were a liberating new way of life that would display God’s glory and goodness to the rest of the nations.

Stuck In Egypt

Stuck In Egypt

Could you imagine going somewhere on vacation only to find yourself stuck there for the rest of your life? The vacation spot would turn into a prison. What if then the indigenous people who you once traveled to enjoy their culture begun to oppress you and your family, putting you to work for them, and replacing the once delicious culinary experience with bland food that serves only as sustenance for more work?

This is sort of what happens to Israel. They went to Egypt as a rescue from the famine. 400 years later their descendants still lived there as slaves. Who would come to rescue them? What about the promise God gave their ancestors of their own land in Canaan? In Exodus 1 & 2, we hear about a God who hears, sees, and knows. A God who has not given up on His people. A God of rescue.