The heartbeat of Paul's letter to Titus and the Christians in Crete is found here inn this final chapter. We have been saved by Jesus' work, not by works or righteousness of our own. Now, how do we live in the work of God and partner with Him?
Titus two
What does it look like to live as followers of Jesus in a culture that is so counter to that? Titus 2 has a couple things that may be difficult to swallow in our culture, but when we understand the culture it was written to and the heart behind living as a display people of God, we may gain a better understanding of how we live counter-culturally today.
Titus one
One of our Missio Community leaders, John Looney, preaches on Acts 27. Paul, on his way to Rome, along with many other prisoners, guards, and crew members, face a violent storm and end up shipwrecked on the island of Malta. How do we see God still at work even in what seems to be chaotic and uncertain moments like this?
Paul in Prison
Paul didn't exactly get the warmest welcome in Jerusalem. The very people he used to be one with turn against him and vow to kill him. He appeals to Caesar, his right as a Roman citizen, which sends him on a long and tumultuous journey leaving him shipwrecked. And yet, this is all in God's plan for many people to see and hear the good news and power of Jesus.
Journey to Jerusalem
Paul has been moving toward Jerusalem, even though he had warnings not to go. When he arrives, things go down exactly as he was warned. And yet, he is right where the Father wants him. Jesus is with him. The Spirit is empowering him. He has not taken the safe route, but the good route, and he has not gone alone.
Don't Be Afraid - God Is With You
After leaving Athens, Paul traveled to the much different city of Corinth. There he was weary and afraid, likely because of the many obstacles he faced from his travels and even more so from the culture in Corinth he was surrounded by. Yet, God shows up. He provides community for him in Aquila and Priscilla, and Jesus himself speaks words of comfort and encouragement. This allows Paul the strength to stay in Corinth for a year and a half, speaking good news.
The words of Jesus to Paul are words for us still today.
Faith, Love, Hope
The first letter to the Thessalonians is one of thankfulness for their faith and encouragement to continue in it. The church in Thessalonica was made up of new followers in Christ; converts who had recently turned from their cultural gods to trust in Jesus as King. They seemed to be marked by faith, love, and hope. The first chapter of this letter expresses a gratitude for the work God was doing in them, and how news of them had spread.