
Opposition and Rejoicing

Opposition and Rejoicing

As the good news of Jesus was spreading throughout Jerusalem and forming a new community of people, it was turning life upside down as everyone knew it. For some, they were radically exchanging everything they ever knew for a new way of life, even giving up their possessions in order to share and care for others. For others, it was a threat to their way of life, with the possibility of taking their control and power.

The news of Jesus brings Restoration to the poor in spirit; those who know they are in need.
The news of Jesus stirs up Resistance from the proud.
The news of Jesus brings Renewal for the one bringing the news.

To Smyrna

To Smyrna

In the book of Revelation, we find we are reading someone else’s mail. Jesus sent a message through John to specific churches in Asia Minor. But the Spirit has preserved these words to speak to us still today!

Jesus’ message to the church in Smyrna was one of hope. They were a small, destitute church living in poverty and under oppression — for the sake of the Gospel! Jesus reassured them that he knew them well and he knew their suffering well. In fact, Jesus had endured everything they were going through already; and he overcame. His promise to them is that if they continued to remain faithful, they too would overcome death and receive the eternal crown of life.