A Rich Man and A Rescued Man

A Rich Man and A Rescued Man

Long thought of by many as a depiction of the afterlife, Jesus once told a fictional story that had much more to do with how God's people were living their current lives on earth, and how they were treating others made in God's image. The call of God's people has always been to use their blessings to be a blessing to others, inviting all into the loving community and kingdom of God. The main audience for this story Jesus was telling had lost that calling. What about us? How are we living out this call?

The Prodigal Brothers

The Prodigal Brothers

What does prodigal mean? The reckless and extravagant use of resources.
Jesus once told a story of two brothers; the younger who ran away from home and squandered his father’s inheritance, the older who stayed home and squandered his father’s presence. But the story is really about the father, who lavishly spent all of his resources to bring both of his sons into his loving arms.

The Goodest Samaritan

The Goodest Samaritan

Parables, the Mandela Effect, Samaritans, and Lawyers.

This week we take a look at a familiar story Jesus told of the Good Samaritan. Though familiar to us now, this was a scandalous story Jesus told to his listeners. One that provoked a radical love for both God and people… even the people they thought were undeserving.

The Sinful and the Self Righteous

The Sinful and the Self Righteous

The more you recognize your need for forgiveness, the more love and gratitude it seems you will give back. At least, that's the economy of forgiveness Jesus tells about while a woman society shunned was serving him at the table of a highly respected religious leader. Which do you identify more with: the sinful woman in need or the self-righteous man who thinks he’s good?

The Man and His Mat

The Man and His Mat

This week we hear a story of a paralyzed man and his friends who do everything they can to get him to Jesus, because they knew he had the power to heal. Jesus does, but he first heals him spiritually. It’s our prayer that you would know the healing power of Jesus, which saves us from the sickness of sin! Only Jesus has the power and authority to heal physical (disease) and spiritual (sin) sickness.

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me

The good news of Jesus is often not what we expect. His words were often shocking to people and difficult to understand. Jesus often approached what God’s people thought they knew, and revealed an even deeper and better meaning behind them.

In Luke 4, Jesus stands in the synagogue reading from Isaiah's words centuries before. He is the fulfillment of those long awaited words promised, and yet it is unlike anything expected.

The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus

Continuing our tour through Luke, we see Jesus and John are both grown now and John is preaching for people to turn away from trusting themselves or this world, and to turn toward trusting God. Get ready for the kingdom of God to come and reign over all of creation. He calls for people to come and cleanse themselves in the river as a sign of their cleansing from rebellion against God, and among the crowd that comes is Jesus. Why would Jesus get baptized? Why would the Savior need cleansing? Why would the King need to prepare for the kingdom?

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 2)

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 2)

The Gospel is Good News of a true event that has taken place in history and has changed everything. Those who believe in this good news have been and are being transformed. We have been given a new identity, so we are no longer enemies of God, but we are a Family of Servant Missionaries, Learning to follow Jesus in all of life.

Last week we looked at this identity lived out in the first followers of Christ. This week we take a look at how we, as followers of Christ, are formed into a community on mission.

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 1)

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 1)

The Gospel is Good News of a true event that has taken place in history and has changed everything. Those who believe in this good news have been and are being transformed. We have been given a new identity, so we are no longer enemies of God, but we are a Family of Servant Missionaries, Learning to follow Jesus in all of life.

This week we take a look at how this new identity formed the first followers of Christ into a community on mission. Next week we will see how this is still true for us today.