
Opposition and Rejoicing

Opposition and Rejoicing

As the good news of Jesus was spreading throughout Jerusalem and forming a new community of people, it was turning life upside down as everyone knew it. For some, they were radically exchanging everything they ever knew for a new way of life, even giving up their possessions in order to share and care for others. For others, it was a threat to their way of life, with the possibility of taking their control and power.

The news of Jesus brings Restoration to the poor in spirit; those who know they are in need.
The news of Jesus stirs up Resistance from the proud.
The news of Jesus brings Renewal for the one bringing the news.



God has formed us to be together, many distinct people in unity as one body, in order to best reflect what He is like. Most of creation has been designed this way, to be connected together. Yet, sin has broken us apart and created a desire for individualism. Jesus has come to reunite us as his body, bringing us together with one another and together with God once again.

A New Community

A New Community

Following Jesus is a group project.

God's Spirit has been breathed out upon a community of people so that they would live in such a way, together, that the world may see God's glory. The church is to be formed by God - together - for the sake of the world.

But that’s not something we can do in our own strength, even by joining together. Following Jesus is not just a group project with other followers, but it is a partnership with God Himself. We are called to partner with the Spirit. As we devote ourselves to what He calls us to, He is faithful to build His Kingdom.

Care for the Community

Care for the Community

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God. The second goes with it - to love others. In the message from Malachi, God had addressed first how Israel has not loved Him, then He went on to address their lack of love toward one another. They had not loved their own wives and families well, and that lack of concern for others spilled out to other parts of the community as well; the orphans, widows, and foreigners. All of this stemmed from their apathy toward God and His ways. How could they turn back to God and His love? Better yet - How can you and I deal with our own apathy toward God and His ways?

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 2)

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 2)

The Gospel is Good News of a true event that has taken place in history and has changed everything. Those who believe in this good news have been and are being transformed. We have been given a new identity, so we are no longer enemies of God, but we are a Family of Servant Missionaries, Learning to follow Jesus in all of life.

Last week we looked at this identity lived out in the first followers of Christ. This week we take a look at how we, as followers of Christ, are formed into a community on mission.

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 1)

Taking Up Our Role in the Missio Dei (Pt 1)

The Gospel is Good News of a true event that has taken place in history and has changed everything. Those who believe in this good news have been and are being transformed. We have been given a new identity, so we are no longer enemies of God, but we are a Family of Servant Missionaries, Learning to follow Jesus in all of life.

This week we take a look at how this new identity formed the first followers of Christ into a community on mission. Next week we will see how this is still true for us today.