
Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

A new king is in town… and he’s a bit of a fool. His drunken party leads to some foolish actions against the true King, the God of Israel. God visits him with a message that he is unfit to be ruling over the kingdom God gave to him.

What about you and I? Do we measure up? Are we fit to stand as God’s representatives before the rest of creation? Thankfully, we are able to only by being brought to maturity in the fullness of Christ’s glory.

Four Men In A Fire

Four Men In A Fire

When the whole world bows down to the world power and seems to have gone mad, three young men stand firm in their faith in the one true God. They do not lead a zealous rebellion. They do not form a religious boycott. They quietly yet firmly, resolutely yet respectfully, honor their king while honoring the true King of all kings. And yet, they are not the heroes of this story. There is a fourth man who appears in their distress and rescues them. The King the whole world really longs for.