
Coming Kingdom

Coming Kingdom

God gives a promise through Haggai to Zerubbabel: the other nations’ kingdoms will be destroyed one day and God’s kingdom will reign, and Zerubbabel will be the sign of this coming kingdom shaking the heavens and earth.

But we know historically that Zerubbabel never sat on the throne crowned as king. He died. And Israel remained under the power of other nations long after he passed. What message was God giving to his people? What could this prophetic word be pointing us to? And what does it look like for us to live in that promised kingdom now?

The Coming of Our Lord

The Coming of Our Lord

The Thessalonian church needed to be reminded of the hope they had - that the true King of the world would return to set all things right finally and fully. This truth comes along with an assurance, that the false kingdoms humanity has built out of rebellion against God will surely fall. Even still today, we need this same hope and reassurance. King Jesus is coming. He will set all things right. And the empires we’ve built that oppose him will fall, but if we trust in him and follow him into his kingdom, we will be gathered into his salvation.

Kingdom Against Kingdom

Kingdom Against Kingdom

We continue through the 3 chapter event of Daniel 10-12 with chapter 11. After strengthening Daniel, a messenger from God tells him what will happen to Israel in the years to come. The time between the last Old Testament prophet and the coming of Jesus was about 400 years when God seemed silent to His people. However, He told them ahead of time through this prophecy to Daniel what they would experience. They were given the Story so that they could faithfully live in it. In the same way, you and I have been told the Story before us and what will come in the end, and we have been empowered by God's Spirit to live faithfully in it now.

Four Men In A Fire

Four Men In A Fire

When the whole world bows down to the world power and seems to have gone mad, three young men stand firm in their faith in the one true God. They do not lead a zealous rebellion. They do not form a religious boycott. They quietly yet firmly, resolutely yet respectfully, honor their king while honoring the true King of all kings. And yet, they are not the heroes of this story. There is a fourth man who appears in their distress and rescues them. The King the whole world really longs for.

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

What began as a terrifying dream causing Nebuchadnezzar to bring terror upon his own kingdom, God used to bring hope to His people and rescue for all. In chapter two of Daniel we see that God chose to reveal something to the enemy of His people. This reminds us that God is at work in His world, even through those who do not yet trust Him.