Comfort & Joy

Comfort & Joy

 Christmas is not a holiday for those who have it together, but for those of you, who like me who need Jesus. It’s a holiday for those who feel lonely, lost, and left out. It’s a reminder, for those who struggle with disease, addiction, and pain.  It’s a signpost for each of us to remember that what we see is not all there is. Wonder and worship await those who are wiling to look to the King whose birth we celebrate this season.

Stay Awake! (A 1 Thessalonians Sermon)

Well, says Paul, here you are in the middle of the world’s night—but the spirit of Jesus within you is telling you it’s already daytime. You are already children of the day, children of light. God’s new world has broken in upon the sad, sleepy, drunken and deadly old world. That’s the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus, and the gift of the spirit—the life of the new world breaking in to the old. And you belong to the new world, not the old one. You are wide awake long before the full sunrise has dawned. Stay awake, then, because this is God’s new reality, and it will shortly dawn upon the whole world.

-NT Wright-

Faith. Hope. Love. (A Sermon from 1 Thessalonains)

Faith. Hope. Love.  (A Sermon from 1 Thessalonains)

No one becomes elite at anything by ignoring the fundamentals. No One.  You can’t become the best basketball player if you never learn to use your left hand, you can’t become a gymnast if you don’t stretch, you can’t do motocross if you never learn the gears, you can’t slay on an electric guitar if you never learn music, and you can’t stay faithful in following Jesus if you ignore these verses. 

*This sermon was recorded in NJ at Great Bay Gospel Fellowship



Mike Cosper: 

“Participating in God’s glory-sharing life, then, happens in two contexts: scattered and gathered. Worship scattered is the Spirit-filled life of the Christian in the world, and worship gathered is the meeting of God’s people to remember, encourage, and bless one another.” - Mike Cosper

But Why? Why is this a habit that we need to have in our lives? Why does this matter so much? 



Bottom line: If it’s your conviction that this is your church, we want to call you to be generous with your time, talents, and your treasures.  Let us choose to live with less so that others can experience the good news that we have experienced.  

Slow Down: Forgiveness

Slow Down: Forgiveness

 Tim Keller- One of the most basic skills for building a strong and intimate relationship is the ability to forgive. If we are going to have either a romantic relationship or a good friendship, we will need to know how to forgive both the small; daily "rubs" as well as the more significant and major letdowns.