The king and kingdom of Israel seemed to be something of the past. They were in exile, and every king they ever had failed them - even the best of them had passed away. God continued to speak through prophets to let His people know He was still pursuing them. Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord told them that one day the promised Rescuer would come and take away their sorrow and suffering - and that he would take it upon himself. We can have joy because this Suffering Servant has taken our sorrow.
Kingdom Against Kingdom
We continue through the 3 chapter event of Daniel 10-12 with chapter 11. After strengthening Daniel, a messenger from God tells him what will happen to Israel in the years to come. The time between the last Old Testament prophet and the coming of Jesus was about 400 years when God seemed silent to His people. However, He told them ahead of time through this prophecy to Daniel what they would experience. They were given the Story so that they could faithfully live in it. In the same way, you and I have been told the Story before us and what will come in the end, and we have been empowered by God's Spirit to live faithfully in it now.
Strength of the Lord
In his old age, Daniel is given another vision, a visible representation of the message of God. This vision will continue to unfold throughout chapter 11, but in chapter 10 we see God's message and His messenger strengthen Daniel in his weakness. What are you nourished in? Where do you draw your strength from?