
Coming Kingdom

Coming Kingdom

God gives a promise through Haggai to Zerubbabel: the other nations’ kingdoms will be destroyed one day and God’s kingdom will reign, and Zerubbabel will be the sign of this coming kingdom shaking the heavens and earth.

But we know historically that Zerubbabel never sat on the throne crowned as king. He died. And Israel remained under the power of other nations long after he passed. What message was God giving to his people? What could this prophetic word be pointing us to? And what does it look like for us to live in that promised kingdom now?

Appointing A King

Appointing A King

The people of God wanted a king. Not the King they had -- the one who rescued them out of slavery from Egypt, the one who brought them safely through the sea and the wilderness, the one who time and time again protected them from their enemies and brought them into a good land he promised to them. No, they wanted a human king to be like all the other nations. The person they saw fit to be king was much different than what God saw they needed, and eventually, God would show them how to look for the true king. What is it we're looking for?

Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

A new king is in town… and he’s a bit of a fool. His drunken party leads to some foolish actions against the true King, the God of Israel. God visits him with a message that he is unfit to be ruling over the kingdom God gave to him.

What about you and I? Do we measure up? Are we fit to stand as God’s representatives before the rest of creation? Thankfully, we are able to only by being brought to maturity in the fullness of Christ’s glory.