What is the Bible? (The January Sessions)

Have you ever been curious about…

  • What is the Bible anyway?

  • How did we get to the copy of the Bible we have today?

  • How do we hear from God in the Scriptures?

  • What is the storyline of the Bible?

  • How reliable is the Bible we have?

  • Where do I even start with this big book?

In January, Ben Ide will be leading a 2 session cohort to discuss those exact questions- plus some of the ones you bring to the table! On January 20th and 27th he’ll be leading anyone (Missio members, MC’s, students who are curious) who wants to explore those questions together. Through both conversation and prepared content we will take a journey that will inform, equip, and hopefully inspire you to continue your journey of following Jesus and feeling more prepared as you approach the Bible.

Seriously, what better way to start the new year that gaining familiarity with the Story of God and growing as disciples who not only learn about the Word, but obey what it says!

First Sunday of Advent- Collect

Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer

Prayer Room- Advent

The Missio Dei Prayer Room exists to guide people into a set apart time in the presence of God, develop a deep affection for Him, and develop a deep love for the city.  If you are reading this, you are invited to linger in God’s presence alongside likeminded sisters and brothers this Advent season.

We are curating this space and time to pray and be formed by the work of the Spirit as we turn our collective attention towards the themes of Advent and what Jesus may have for us this season.

We are convinced that prayer precedes movement and we deeply long to see a movement of Jesus across the Valley. But, to be honest, just drawing near in God’s presence, alongside one another in prayer is reason enough to want to create this space.

There will be some guidance and some freedom as we together are formed by God through prayer this Advent season. Come as you are able. Linger as long as you like.

If you’ve got questions, please connect with Matthew Guzman.


Day: Thursdays In Advent (starting this week)

Time: 6:30am-8am (come as you are able in that window)

Location: 19 North Robson suite 101

Abiding in Jesus : This Changes Everything.

Hey Missio (and friends), Kevin here, I want to take a few minutes and reintroduce us to a key reality as disciples.

Here’s a few minutes read on what it means to abide in Christ. Together. But here’s a big ole’ spoiler alert I want to get to you before the real reading begins: Abiding in Jesus is a transformative invitation that, if accepted, has the power to change absolutely everything in your life.

First, remember this: Your life in God’s kingdom was never meant to be simply checking a box on Sunday, or Wednesday, or whatever day you get around to spending a slice of time with Jesus. But it was always meant to be living out a vibrant, daily connection with Jesus that transforms absolutely everything. Game. Changer.

Abiding isn't about rote, religious routines; it's a gritty, everyday partnership with the Creator.

Yes, we love spiritual practices. Yes we utilize an Examen. Yes we invite every member of Missio to consider what it looks like for them to awaken their hearts through ancient rhythms. Yes we think those are helpful. But abiding isn’t just that. I think it's waking up and saying, "Alright, Jesus, you're in this day with me." Or maybe better, “I’m in this day with you.” It's about doing life shoulder to shoulder with the one who knows us and our context far better than we ever could. And when we discover ancient (or modern) practices that help to keep us connected in an abiding life, we utilize them as gifts.

Think of it like this: weren’t ever meant to be lone branches floating around; that would be crazy. And slightly creepy. But we're called (In John 15 and other places) to be connected to the vine, drawing life and purpose from Jesus. It's messy, it's beautiful, and it's a profoundly True Story rooted reality. Abiding and growth takes place in the soil of everyday life, but connected to Jesus is where real life happens, not disconnected pursuing our own efforts to produce life.

Abiding in Christ isn't a solo act either.

So many times we read these verses as independent connections with Jesus. But it’s a plural command. “Ya’ll abide in me…” Just for my southern friends. Everybody else, that means it's a communal dance where we link arms with fellow disciples, creating a living, breathing expression of God's kingdom in our cities, towns, and across the world. As we abide, we become signs of the Kingdom, bringing hope, healing, and grace to a hurting world.

without abiding we quickly wither.

Don’t miss this. Our willpower can’t stand up to the scorching stories, temptations, and snares of the enemy. When we aren’t abiding we can have the best of intentions, but find our hearts quickly moving from partnership with Jesus to privatized kingdoms really quickly. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Jesus offered a vibrant way to experience life now. Remain in Him.

Here’s the invitation of this holiday season,

Let’s step into the adventure of abiding in Christ — not as a religious duty but as a wild, transformative journey that shapes every moment of our lives. Let’s proactively abide and then arrange our calendars, budgets, and dinner parties out of an overflow of His love reigning in our hearts. Let’s abide in Jesus as we collectively long see his kingdom come, his will be done, in Phoenix as it is in heaven!

Want some help on that journey? Reach out to your MC leader OR Click below.

Practices: We Go

We are strongly convinced that the church isn’t a VIP lounge for really well behaved folks, or a static club of theologically minded scholars, but a relentless Jesus community formed by God’s grace, filled with God’s Spirit and sent on God's mission.

Our faith wasn’t meant to only find it’s home in quiet huddles happening in living rooms (though we love those too.) It’s meant to infiltrate the trenches of of everyday life. We believe we are sent not just to convert neighbors to our club; but to co-labor with God to be agents of reconciliation, heralds of Jesus, ambassadors of his kingdom in the brokenness of our world. Wherever that may be.

We believe we are called to Jesus and then sent with Jesus to participate in his ongoing work in this world!

And as we go into the everday experiences of life we embody the transformative kingdom full of Jesus' love and grace. And that transforms our lives, our communities, our cities one small act of love at a time. So, gear up, friends, we're not here to play it safe and hopefully make it out alive. We believe we haven’t just ended up in our networks or neighborhoods by accident—we're believe we are sent into those spaces, bringing the Kingdom to every nook and cranny of our lives!

This isn’t a solo sport though. We go together. The shared life of the church is a shared witness to the world longing for good news. One missionary puts it like this:

The only possible hermeneutic (way of understanding) of the gospel is a congregation which believes it.

Lesslie Newbigin

So we purposefully follow the Spirit together as we are going to make disciples who make disciples.

Missio Communities

Called Together for a Purpose

Church (Ekklesia) literally means a gathering of “called out ones.” Those who represent a people to others. We are called to represent God’s reign and rule to the world. We can’t exist without a purpose that looks towards those on the edges of experiencing God’s kingdom.  This is our calling and we should not only call people together as we gather, but regularly release and send them to be the spirit-led church as God has called them to be. 

If we are going to create communities that multiply though, we need to know what we are sending.  What are we attempting to reproduce as the Spirit continues to lead? 

What we follows is a starting point, not a straight jacket. This is meant to be a sandbox not a stagnant pond. 

Missio Communities

As we study the church as it formed in the New Testament we see a movement made up of small and powerful communities of believers who have been transformed by the power of the gospel. Sometimes these find their home in a city church, sometimes they are network ed as house churches, but each is joined together by common teaching, leadership, and rhythms of life. They are described as holding all things in common, and also able to mobilize at a moments notice. This is descriptive of a specific church in a specific context (first century in ancient Roman led contexts), but could it also be a model to followhere in the Valley? 

We think it is

We’ve long been convinced that we need to see gospel formation (worship, spirit dependence, gospel enjoyment, abiding in God’s love), community (ongoing, responsible, maturing relationships), and mission (missional encounter with a specific culture, gospel declaration, wholistic discipleship) together.  

Simply put- a Missio Community is an extended spiritual family committed to gospel formation, in a committed community, for the sake of others.  They are comitted into the network of Missio Dei Communities and Co-Missioned into their context.

Another way we put it is that they are a family of servant ambassadors sent by and with the Spirit as disciples to make, mature, and multiply disciples of Jesus.  They are experiencing the love of God for themselves and extending it to others Jesus calls them to We wholeheartedly believe that every Disciple is both called to Jesus and sent with Him to love others

Who are you sent to?

Most of our MC’s are organized around a purposefully selected missional focus.  This could be a focus shared by every member of the MC or an intentional decision to incubate several MC’s under one leadership team in hopes that many are introduced to Jesus and experience his love and freedom

How are you sent?

Our MC’s are sent with creativity, empowerment, and ongoing development.  We do front end assessment and provide ongoing coaching so our leaders flourish and lead communities who do the same.


Not all MC’s will look the same. We need to have flexibility to allow for our communities to contextualize formation, community, and missional engagement as their calling.  We ask that they gather at least twice a month, (if not more) with our larger Missio family for equipping, encouragement, and shared service (kids, music, hospitality etc...)

The hope is that the structures of Missio Dei equip and encourage our tribe, as everyday disciples, to follow Jesus together on his mission to bring redemption and reconciliation into our world! 

Sound like something you want to do?

Let us know and together we will see you equipped and released to do the work the Spirit of God is inviting you into together. 

Practices: We Grow

We Grow

One of the practices of the people of God is a shared commitment to maturing as disciples of Jesus. As we learned on Sunday, this growth isn’t auxiliary to the mission of God, but is integral to how God works in the world, in the church, and across our communities.

Here’s a few thoughts as you continue to consider the teaching and training from Sunday.

  • Don’t forget - Growth has a Direction: Growth as a disciple of Jesus is more than just self help, or personal growth; it's a call to a life that aligns with the very heart of God and the reconciling mission He is already on. Growth will always invite us to step beyond the prison cell of self and embrace a mission that continues shaping our hearts, our lives and the world. We are growing up and out as a family of servant ambassadors learning to live in the grace of Jesus!

  • As you continue growing- Community Matters: Your journey in following Jesus is not just your own. Yes it’s personal, but it’s also communal. A key component of your apprenticeship to Jesus is the community you follow him with. Somehow our journey is inextricably linked with the journey of others in the most beautiful and often mysterious of ways. (Watch: We Gather for some of how we join with others as Missio.)

  • Growing Develops our Gifts and Talents: A part of this journey is the recognition of the gifts and talents that we’ve been entrusted with. None of these were given for us to simply indulge in ourselves, but are given and should be developed for the common good. (Watch: Gifts of the people.)

  • Growing is A Lifelong Process: Embracing growth isn't a one-time event but a lifelong process of submitting to the Spirit of God and taking up your role in the Mission of God. It encourages us to continually seek God's guidance, lean into the movement of the spirit, abide in the grace of Jesus- and adapt in methodology as we grow. There is so much to enjoy and experience with God- let us not grow weary in the journey of being formed by God, together, for the sake of others.

Three Questions To Keep Processing

  • Which of the following points were helpful for you as you consider what spiritual growth looks like for you in this season of life?

  • What are the barriers you are facing that keep you from embracing a lifestyle of growing up in Christ?

  • What environments do you need to be in to continue working with the Spirit as he works in you and your community?

Practices: We Give

Yesterday we had the privilege of receiving some good news!

We were reminded of God’s lavish generosity and then trained in how we respond to that as his family. I was challenged by the grace of Jesus and compelled to revisit conversations of how I’m responding to the generosity of Jesus. That’s the marks of a good sermon!

Remember- When we say we are disciples of Jesus, that means we follow his teachings and model for how to live our entire lives. Including how we spend the resources that have been entrusted to us. As you implement this practice in your life, in your home and within your community we want to give you two prayers and two practices for the journey ahead.

2 Prayers

  • A Prayer of Gratitude. Take some time and thank God for the things has entrusted you with. Let your mind explore all the time, talents, treasures he’s put in your care. Maybe even make a list in your journal, or see how many you can come up with around the dining room table.

  • A Prayer of Examination. Where do I/we have an unhealthy attachment to money, stuff, or experiences? Trace your financial anxiety down to it’s roots… Jesus told us how to get to the heart of this one. Slowly take the time to consider how many of your decisions are based on a scarcity mentality and not an abundant kingdom and generous king mentality. Repent as needed. Rejoice as you experience God’s forgiveness and presence as you repent.

2 Practices

  • Practice : We Give. This is pretty clear but I don’t want us to miss it.. When our hearts are gripped with the generosity of God our hands are freed up to respond with a generosity of our own. So as a community of disciples of Jesus we give generously. This is a priority not an afterthought. We steward these things back to God and this is a key part of us following Jesus. (Many scholars estimate Jesus spent 1/4 of his time discussing money either directly or indirectly AND he was talking to a people whose land was occupied by a foreign power, imagine what he’d say to one of the wealthiest cultures the world has ever seen!)

  • Practice: We Actively Remember. We are not living in the final act of the Story. We believe a lie that this world is all there is and that we only have one life to experience everything and so we better spend it all here. But we actively bring to mind the reality that the Bible tells us that there is another Act coming. There is a restored creation where sin, corruption, and anxiety has no home. It’s ruled by King Jesus and we ENJOY restored creation forever. In some mysterious way we can invest in that world today and Jesus promises that every investment made will return far more than the stock market ever could.


    Giving is a practice that demonstrates alignment between our hearts and the priorities of God’s Kingdom. God’s expectation was generosity to the poor and through the local church. We are invited to participate in that ongoing work.

    It’s been said that our bank accounts display what we really trust to bring joy, satisfaction, and give meaning to our lives. What if we were able to be a community of generosity in a world of self-serving stinginess? Imagine the good news that this sort of community would be in the East Valley? Let us join Jesus in praying “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” And then let be obedient to do what He shows us in our patterns of generosity and giving.

This post is a collaboration from our Missio Mesa elders: Kevin Platt and Mike Zins

Practices: We Gather


Missio, tomorrow morning we will come together as one large Missional Community. each week we gather disciples and friends from all across the East Valley for our weekly equipping gathering. You’ve spent the week loving, serving, and waging war against idolatry and in many cases evil. You’ve sinned and been sinned against. You’ve celebrated but there’s also been disappointments, a few disasters, and even some disillusionment creeping in. I know it. I’ve been there. So as you set the alarm for the morning on a day when many sleep in, let’s give a quick refresher on what we are doing when #wegather. Not because you’ve never heard it, but because we often forget. (No, Sunday’s aren’t the main thing we do as a church, but they are integral to our discipleship process as a community being formed by God, together, for the sake of others.)

When we gather we worship JEsus.

Worshipping Jesus as one large missional community reveals the heart of our Christian calling in our fragmented world. We experience unity our Savior and diversity in our contexts and giftings. Jesus is Lord and we give him our allegiance. God (Father, Son, and Spirit) is worthy of praise, allegiance, and our only hope in life and death. In our weekly gatherings we discover sacred (and often ancient) rhythms of grace. We find our source of strength. We find an essential re-orientation back to the gospel of the kingdom.


As we gather to worship, we immerse ourselves in the story of God's redemptive love and mission through Jesus. This shared encounter with God gives shape and purpose to our mission as a church. We understand that our faith is not a private affair but a public proclamation of a life-transforming message.


In the act of gathered worship, we don't only seek silent solace; we seek and find empowerment. Shared witness, worship, and work is often the wellspring from which we draw courage to engage the world with Christ's love. Shared worship shapes some our identity as a missional community, grounding us again in the gospel's profound truth that compels us to bear witness to our neighbors and networks of friends.

after we gather we go back out.

Most of the life of our church is lived out in diverse neighborhoods and networks of friends. Our worship and work is not confined to sanctuaries but extends into the streets, workplaces, and neighborhoods we go back into. We don’t spend most of our time in holy huddles around the city. In fact our Missio Communities and our homes are often the beacon (think lighthouse) that beckons those searching for meaning and hope to draw near. It’s the everyday rhythms and invitations that offer others a journey towards discovering the richness of life in Christ and on mission. Your home will most often be the first taste of Christian community people experience, but that beacon is lit and stays fueled with both private moments with God AND the shared worship we engage in as a Missio Community. We can’t forsake one for the other. Both are integral.

Our prayer is that you encounter God’s presence, encourage each other in the gospel, and are equipped to take up your role in God’s story. And that each of those things are used by the Spirit of the living God to solidify your calling to Jesus and your sentness with Jesus. May the gospel story we participate in as we gather form us together as the body of Christ sent throughout the East Valley. - Kevin Platt-

Three Ways to Prepare for Gathering Together

  • Try Starting your Sabbath the night before. If you can, plan your night before the Sunday gathering in such a way that you enter your Sunday rested and not stressed. Get some sleep. Eat some breakfast. Enjoy your favorite morning drink. A little prep goes a long way!

  • Pray. It may seem simple, but pray on your way in. If you’ve got kids, let them join you in the process. Ask Jesus not just to teach you, but to form you, give you a person you can serve or encourage, and let him know how you feel coming into this gathering. Prayer is spiritual warfare and you are entering contested space!

  • Plan to Park before 10am. What do I mean? The liturgy formally starts at 10am, but the gathering starts before that. When you show up and are parking at 10am you are sure to miss the first part of the liturgy, which is a welcome, a reminder of God’s creative power, and leaves you rushing to find a seat and unable to be as thoughtful as you may want to be on where in the room you are. Also, people visiting for the first time are ALWAYS there before 10. If you aren’t there to greet them and invite them into rhythms of kingdom life- who else will?

Good News. Simple Tools.

Missio Dei Commiunities

We are equipping men, women, and children who are learning to follow Jesus (be disciples) and who lead others to do the same (make disciples.) Our Missio Communities are extended spiritual families who are being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We send out Missio Communities (MC’s) is to continue declaring and demonstrating the gospel of Jesus and then resource our MC’s to faithfully take up their role in God’s story wherever they are called.

So What is the gospel?

A simple definition of the gospel is the good news that the reign of God has broken into human history through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Mark 1.14-16)

Something to Remember

The gospel os not just good news about individual salvation or a future heavenly destination, but it's about the inauguration of God's kingdom on Earth. (Google “NT Wright Kingdom of God” to get some more of this goodness of the kingdom.) The events of the gospel simultaneously challenge the prevailing powers and systems AND invite people to participate in the Mission of God (Missio Dei.) Jesus’ reign brings justice, reconciliation, and the flourishing of God's creation. Not just some day. But today. And we get to join Jesus in that work while we await his return to finally and fully set things right. (I Cor 15) How incredible is that?

Three Implications for Our MC’s

That’s a big invitation though. So we want to break it down into three bite size pieces for women, men, and kids all across our MC’s.

  1. We want our Missio Communities to embrace this gospel and live it out in our daily lives. So what if we committed to speaking the good news to one other person in our MC each week?

  2. We want our communities to embody the transformative power of God's kingdom here and now. So what if we committed to praying for God’s transformative power to show up in our everyday experiences? Interviews? Parenting Struggles? Experiencing Bullying? Foster Care? Lonliness? Rent increase? Let’s be specific and pray “your kingdom come, your will be done in ____ as it is in heaven.” After all, it’s how Jesus taught us to pray.

  3. We deeply desire more of our neighbors and friends across our networks to join us in participating in the kingdom life right now. So what if we committed to speaking the good news to one other person in our neighborhood or network of friends each week?

Some Simple tools.

We don’t have a master plan, but we have some helpful tools and resources that help keep us practicing the ways of Jesus, led by the Spirit, and alongside one another.

Here are a few of them.

Hospitality is Kind of A Big Deal

One of the things I’ve learned from Kayleanne is how to be hospitable. She’s got the gift of not only welcoming people into our home as a courtesy, but creating space for people to move from strangers to significant members of our community and at times, part of our actual family.

I’ve learned that hospitality is not a haphazard act of kindness; it is a profound expression of our faith and a vital component of the church's mission. When we weave this practice into the fabric of our lives we see God work in profound ways. When we open our homes and hearts to others, we participate in the Kingdom of God made visible in our midst. Hospitality is kind of a big deal.

So as you order some pizza and invite a few friends over for the game, consider these three tips that lead us closer to extending the grace of Jesus to the lost, lonely, and left out in the ancient art of hospitality.

Remember- Hospitality is not limited to your dining room.

In fact, it extends beyond the table to front porches, waiting rooms, and afternoon walks. It is about creating a sacred, and often simple environment where guests are welcomed, where they sense the presence of Christ's love even if they can’t yet describe it. As a church, we are called to be living sanctuaries, inviting others to experience the presence of God in the spaces we live, work, and play. Our homes can serve as mini-cathedrals to the parishes of our neighborhoods.

Practice listening.

Active listening this is not just a helpful social skill; it is a spiritual practice. When we attentively listen to the stories and hearts of our guests, we embody Christ's ministry of compassion and care. Our open ears can become a channel for God's grace to flow even before we open our mouths to speak good news. (BLESS Rhythms anyone?)

Anticipate needs and joyfully meet them.

When we think ahead and prepare a space with grace and humility we show off something about God. In the act of anticipating the needs of our guests (whether they are friends or people we just met), we mirror God's attentive care for each of us. By serving others in humility, we reflect Christ's example of servanthood (Philippians 2), a profound expression of Kingdom hospitality that speaks of the glory of God in simple and meaningful ways. Think through who is coming over and what is one thing that would add a meaningful touch to the experience they are about to have with you. Whether it’s a single malt, single origin, or single topping pizza, seek out ways to bless those you are showing hospitality towards!

We think that if we embrace one or even all three simple adjustments in our practice of hospitality, our Missio Communities will not only offer proximity and a space of belonging but share the love of Christ with our neighbors and networks of friends. We will be actively fostering the kind of environment where all feel loved, valued, and welcomed to the table. Through our consistent and faithful practice of hospitality, we can become instruments of God's grace and extend the Kingdom of God's love to all who enter our midst.

Like I said, hospitality is kind of a big deal…. and you thought you were just ordering pizza for some friends to watch the game.

This is a good one.

Here’s a quote for you to this morning. Let it rattle around in your head a little bit. Highly recommend sitting with a friend and asking them how they feel your MC is doing at living into this reality that Lesslie Newbigin lays out for the church. Trust us, this is a good one.

From the beginning the announcement of the Kingdom led to a summons to follow and so to the formation of a community. It is the community which has begun to taste (even only in foretaste) the reality of the Kingdom which can alone provide the hermeneutic of the message.

Lesslie Newbigin

Sign of the Kingdom p19

Scattered Sundays

Sometimes we do things a little differently. Like our scattered Sundays. They aren’t necessarily what you are used to, but they’ve been so life giving in the Missio community as we are formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We want to take the next two minutes of your time and share why and how we do our final Sundays of the month.

Make no mistake, we love gathering together. It’s one of our shared pracices we’ll be discussing all next month. (We Gather. We Grow. We Give. We Go) But the final Sunday of every month we intentionally disrupt the rhythm of resting and worshipping with all our MC’s in one space to scatter throughout our cities to Sabbath in different ways and in different places.

We are convinced that the invitation of Jesus to Sabbath is still a life giving and relevant invitation today. We believe that as we stop working, rest, and worship that God meets us in those spaces in refreshing ways. All across our Missio Communities fellow disciplemakers use Scattered Sundays differently in their calendars. Some plan refreshing trips our of state, others plan silent retreats. Some plan neighborhood brunch parties and others nail down a time to finally play pickleball with that new neighbor that morning. Some host a home based worship gathering and others pitch tents under the trees to stare at the stars and consider the majesty of God. I think you get it, there’s a lot of ways to rest, worship, and enjoy the rhythm of sabbath that don’t include gathering all together.

Wait, does this mean that gathering with other MC’s isn’t a priority for Missio? First it is a priority, not the priority- and we’ll have a whole Sunday teaching geared at sharing why we gather on October 1. The priority is people resting and worshipping the true and living God together- and we believe that can happen out of the building as well as in it. Our gathered Sundays and scattered Sundays aren’t competing rhythms but together form a harmony of rest and worship that we want to continue for the time being.

Have a question? Feel free to reach out to us!

Here are 5 things we’ve heard about Scattered Sundays that encourage us to keep doing them in this season.

  1. Scattered Sundays have allowed our family to experiment with rest and worship in ways that speak directly to our kids. They love the Sundays that they have creative control of the way we rest and worship together.

  2. Scattered Sundays have caused me to have to be mindful of how I practice Sabbath and explore other ways of being with God together

  3. My addiction to performance was really exposed when we practice scattered Sundays. Like bad. If I have somewhere to be, that’s the thing I do. When I have to slow all the way down without a place to go- I have to deal with my own heart and Jesus and it’s been needed.

  4. As someone who serves most Sundays we gather, these scattered weeks are refreshing in ways I can’t explain. I love that our church prioritizes meeting with God and service for God.

  5. I take most Scattered Sundays as a monthly retreat. I plan the day to be away and spend prolonged time in God’s presence and I’ve grown to crave it- and miss it deeply the weeks we end up with something else on that day. It’s helped me see how I can practice Sabbath and not rely on Missio to always give me the gathering to attend.

We Start With Prayer

Praying is our actual, intentional ministry strategy.

Everything starts with prayer. We start our MC’s with prayer; we find people of peace through prayer. We decide on missional focus’ and missionary teams through prayer. We de-commission MC’s based on prayer and listening. We invest our resources as we pray. Our hope all across Missio Dei Communities is that until we pray we do nothing. We are desperate for the Spirit to speak and we believe he does.

  • If you are considering start an MC- start with prayer.

  • If you are considering how to love your neighborhood- start with prayer.

  • If you are considering a new disciple making relationship- start with prayer.

  • If you are putting together your fall discipleship plan- start with prayer.

  • And as you pray- pray unhurried and together. All to often I’ve seen well intentioned disciples of Jesus pray in isolation and haste, then end up projecting their own thoughts and desires rather than listening to the voice of the Spirit.

Why do we need to pray? In short, it’s because we need Jesus. When we rely solely on our own intuition, abilities, or perspectives we will always be limited. When we press into shared rhythms of intercession and listening- we open ourselves up to unorthodox, unexpected, and ultimately kingdom ways of life and ministry. I believe this is the kind of approach Jesus had, the approach the early church seemed to have, and the approach that disciple makers all across the world rely on.

As you start this new season as a Missio Community, whether relaunching, starting at the beginning, or contemplating multiplication- we want to start with prayer.


Read: Prayer As Strategic Weapon

Watch: We Start With Prayer

Want to pray with one of our leaders?

Sunday Prep: 3 Questions

3 Questions

Sunday we are spending some time singing, celebrating, and sharing stories. We’ve worked hard to have the gathering space ready for the family to gather again and thanks to the hard work of some of your friends and the grace of God we are ready.

See you at 10am!

Here’s how you can prepare for this Sunday… bring your stories. One of the things that we’ve learned from the Psalms is that a verbal witness to the mighty acts of God in our lives is meant to be a normative activity for Gods people. Here’s the three prompts we’ll have for some storytelling.

  • As you listened to God in July… what are some of the ways you’ve seen him forming you as his daughter or son?

  • What are some of the ways you’ve seen God at work in the community of Missio? What do you see him doing in us?

  • What are some of the burdens or convictions God has given you for our cities and neighborhoods?  

Copyright (C) 2023 Missio Mesa. All rights reserved.

3 Shifts in 2023

We are already halfway there! As we head towards the second half of the year, our leaders thought it wise to bring the three shifts we wanted to make as a community back into view for a halftime assessment. Each of these align with our vision to be an extended spiritual family of diverse Missio Communities who are learning to follow Jesus and equipping others to do the same as they are formed by God, together, for the sake of others. (yeah that’s a mouthful)

So…What were the three shifts again?

Glad you asked. We’ve had some transitions and growth this year, so want to bring back into focus what we started the year aiming at.

  • We want to be a part of the shift from being welcoming to inviting (and yes still welcoming.) We want to see Missio shift from welcoming people into kingdom rhythms, to inviting them!

  • We want to be a part of the shift in just Knowing to Obeying. We want to see Missio continue to shift in obeying all that Jesus commanded not just teaching or knowing all that Jesus commanded.

  • We want to be a part of a shift from being disciples to disciple making disciples. We've spent the last year being exposed to the good news of Jesus- we will be training across the community how we make new disciples who make more disciples as we continue to follow Jesus together.

So how’s it going? Here’s Some reflection q’s:

Shift 1 Questions:

  • Are you being obedient to the voice of the Spirit as he prompts you to invite people into kingdom rhythms with Missio OR are you finding fear, anxiety, or apprehension have a louder voice?

  • What could it look like to follow the voice of the Spirit the second half of the year?

  • Who is already in your life that you could invite to be a part of what God is up to in Missio Mesa?

Shift 2 Questions:

  • What is something you’ve “unlearned” so far this year? A way of being or behavior that Jesus exposed as counter to his kingdom way of life and you changed as a result?

  • What is something Jesus invited you into that was uncomfortable or not your, but you followed him in trust anyway?

  • Who in your MC can you process these internal and external shifts with?

Shift 3 Questions:

  • Is there anyone you are intentionally apprenticing to the Way of Jesus right now? 1/2 of Missio couldn’t identify anyone at the start of the year, we are prayerfully looking to change that!

  • Is there someone that the Spirit brings to mind for you to start purposefully discipling in a fresh way this semester? What would obedience to that invitation look like for you?

  • Do you feel you need equipping as a disciple-maker? Who can you ask for help?

Want to talk these through with someone? We’d love to connect you with a trusted coach as you process. Just Click Here

Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 10

Psalm 10


Find a comfortable place to sit or stand. Breathe slowly and deeply, in and out several times. Ask God to speak to you through the passage that you are about to read, a simple ask. Nothing elaborate is needed

First Listen

The first time through this passage just listen. Don’t try to do anything with it. Let it wash over you. Get a feel for the text. Recommend listening to the Streetlights Psalm 10(also available in Streetlights Psalm 10 in Spanish )

Second Listen

Listen to the Psalm again. This time pay attention to which word/words/phrases jump out at you. Focus on that word/phrase, repeat it silently to yourself while listening to the passage. If nothing stands out to you, that’s ok. There is nothing you have to force or do.


Speak aloud the word/phrase that stood out to you. If notwas there any feelings that this passage brought up? Take a minute to reflect how your body feels/what emotions you feel and say those out loud.

*Note: The Psalmist expresses frustration at what is happening and that God is not acting, you are allowed to feel frustration, anger, sadness, despair, joy, contentedness, relief, or any other emotions when reading this Psalm. There is not a correct emotion, but be honest before the face of God.


In this Psalm, the writer is telling God what is happening and asking God to intervene. When you heard this passage was there anyone or any group of people that it brought to mind who you want to ask God to intervene for? If no one comes to mind and you want a suggestion see the news article below. Spend some time going through the Psalm rewording it to pray for the person/people you are thinking of.


This passage speaks of heavy and real things experienced by people around us. This passage does not command us toward a direct specific action but asks God to act. Release back to God the thoughts/feelings/hopes/laments that this passage stirred up. Imagine releasing it/handing it to him with your breath as you breath in and out, with several large inhales and exhales.

Extra Resources

Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 103

Psalm 103:


Psalm 103 in the Streetlights App or on youtube

While you listen, close your eyes and try to visualize the words (listen again if that helps)

Read: Psalm 103

1 Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—

3 who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,

4 who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,

5 who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

The Lord works righteousness
    and justice for all the oppressed.

He made known his ways to Moses,
    his deeds to the people of Israel:

The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
    slow to anger, abounding in love.

He will not always accuse,
    nor will he harbor his anger forever;

10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
    or repay us according to our iniquities.

11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him;

12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

13 As a father has compassion on his children,
    so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;

14 for he knows how we are formed,
    he remembers that we are dust.

15 The life of mortals is like grass,
    they flourish like a flower of the field;

16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
    and its place remembers it no more.

17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children—

18 with those who keep his covenant
    and remember to obey his precepts.

19 The Lord has established his thronein heaven,
    and his kingdom rules over all.

20 Praise the Lord, you his angels,
    you mighty ones who do his bidding,
    who obey his word.

21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts,
    you his servants who do his will.

22 Praise the Lord, all his works
    everywhere in his dominion.

Praise the Lord, my soul.


There’s a lot of good news in this psalm, which piece of good news stands out to you? Which aspect of God do you appreciate the most right now? Share that out loud (whether you’re doing this in a group or on your own, speak what is good about God in this psalm)


There is a lot of familial language in this Psalm, the word mercy/compassion in verses 4 and 8 and 13 are connected to the word womb (rechem), like the mercy/compassion a woman may feel for her child, and verse 13 speaks of a father’s compassion for his children, and speaks of his love for the descendants of those he loves (verse 17). Why do you think these familial images are used to explain God’s love for us?


Verse 19 says: “The Lord set his throne up in heaven,/and he rules over everything. (ERV) or in another version:  “The Eternal has established His throne up in the heavens./He rules over every seen and unseen realm and creature. (The VOICE)  

Start listing out all the far reaching things that God rules over in creation, things you can see and things too tiny to be seen, from the bottoms of the ocean to the edges of space, to the tiny organisms inside our bodies, to the strangest animals, make a wild list of all he rules over and then marvel at his creative ingenuity. (Don’t stop at less than 20!!)


There was A LOT of good news about who God is in this Psalm.

  • Ask God to bring to mind a friend (maybe one who doesn’t know how good God is) who needs to hear one of these good things

  • Which thing from this Psalm is good news they need to hear?

  • Ask him to make a piece of this good news tangible to them this week.

  • Pray for an opportunity to be a part of making this good news tangible to them this week.

Additional Listen: (Some songs related to Psalm 103)

No Limit (Psalm 103) Enter the Worship Circle

One Thing Remains by Jesus Culture

Tender Mercy (Psalm 103) Enter the Worship Circle  

10,000 Reasons

Bless the Lord-Lynne Thigpen (from Godspell)

Additional Look:

Acrylic and Ink Piece by Beth Dreyer

(and generally a great resource for artwork related to most psalms can be found here: https://parkchurch.org/psalms-artwork/

curated by Johanna Richards  

Psalm 130



Long before a child ever begins to speak, they are spoken to for countless hours. How many words might a young child hear before they are able to utter back the simplest of sounds? In fact, all of this “talking to” is absolutely essential for a child to learn how to answer back. Eugene Peterson says: “Prayer is answering God.” Just like a child, long before you ever talked to God, he has been talking to you. We are simply talking back. 

During Missio’s Dispersed July Rhythms, we will continue exploring how to respond to God through a master class on prayer, otherwise known as the Psalms. July is designed to be a time of needed disruption from typical rhythms and hurried patterns so that we might have the space to re-discover God’s voice. As a church family, our hope is that these guides will be simple portals into God’s presence this month. 


This guide is designed to be used by individuals, friends, families or as a missio community. It can take you anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour to journey through each guide. The process is designed to be a simple pathway to listen for God’s voice and respond. Don’t underestimate or overlook how ordinary moments can become divine appointments with God this July Sabbath.


The unbelievable truth is this: You are about to hear God speak. Everytime you pick up the Bible, an encounter with God is possible. Would you ready yourself for coming into God’s presence and hearing God’s voice? To begin, offer this simple prayer to God and then wait in silence for 2 minutes:

Father, help me hear your voice.

Jesus, help me sense your presence.

Spirit, help me live according to your ways.


Read through the Psalm slowly pausing at the end for 2 minutes to let it resonate deeply in your heart and community. Then, read through it again a second time.


1 Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;

2  Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
    to my cry for mercy.

3 If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
    Lord, who could stand?

4 But with you there is forgiveness,
    so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

5 I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in his word I put my hope.

6 I wait for the Lord
    more than watchmen wait for the morning,
    more than watchmen wait for the morning.

7 Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
    for with the Lord is unfailing love
    and with him is full redemption.

8 He himself will redeem Israel
    from all their sins.

* Don’t forget to pause for 2 min to let it settle into the low places in your heart.


Use these questions to guide discussion as a group or reflection as an individual:

  • As you heard the Psalm read, which word or phrase do you sense Jesus is trying to get your attention with?

  • Can you think of particular moments in God’s Story where he heard the cries of His people and responded? What stories come to mind?

  • Why do you think there is a connection between forgiveness and service?

  • What do you think it means to develop a posture of waiting on God? During this month, what are you waiting on God to do? How are you desiring for Him to act or speak?

  • What are ways you have kept a record of your own sins? How might Jesus want to meet you in your record keeping? What about your record keeping of your neighbor or enemy?


Every Psalm is an invitation to trust and loving obedience. From your conversation with God today through this guide, how are you (& your community) going to respond? Try to summarize in one sentence how Jesus is inviting you to live this week during our Sabbath month. 


In the True Story of the World, rest is not a reward for hard work but rather the starting place for engaging with God’s world. God rested on the 7th day and he invited us into that rest before he sent us out to cultivate His creation alongside Him.

As you go this week, would you operate from a place of grace not guilt and abundance not scarcity. Would your pace be slow and would you linger in moments so that God might surprise you with His presence.

Read these words aloud as a benediction:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, 

and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 

for I am gentle and humble in heart, 

and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”